
The State Child Abuse Death Review Team is an 19 member multi-disciplinary group which consists of seven agency appointees and 12 members appointed by the State Surgeon General, pursuant to 383.402 Florida Statutes, in addition to 11 members are from specific disciplines.


Law Enforcement Officer
Ret. Major Connie Shingledecker, Chairperson 

Department of Health, Committee Coordinator
Carol Ann Vitani

Department of Legal Affairs
Richard Mantei

Department of Children and Families
Stephanie Weis

Department of Law Enforcement
Jeremy Gordon, Inspector

Department of Education

Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Inc.
Dawn Buff, Assistant State Attorney

Florida Medical Examiners Commission
Shanedelle Norford, MD, MS

Child Protection Team, Statewide Medical Director
Carol Lilly, MD

Public Health Nurse
Merlene Ramnon, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN 

Mental Health Professional
Rachel Smith, MSW 

Substance Abuse Treatment Professional
Silvia Quintana

Department of Children and Families Supervisor
Holly Cummings

Medical Director, Child Protection Team
Cameron Rosenthal, MD, FAAP

Child Advocacy Organization
Rebecca Albert, MSW 

Paraprofessional in Patient Resources,
Child Abuse Prevention Program

Maria Lesvia Alaniz

Social Worker
Vicki Whitfield

Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate
Cynthia Rubenstein, MS, LMHC 

Private Provider of Programs on Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
Rebekkah Sheetz, MSW

Department of Health Staff:
Joshua G. Thomas - CADR Unit Director
Renee Senn - CADR Program Analyst
Brenna Radigan - CADR Prevention Specialist
Erica Puckett - CADR Project Coordinator
Megan Macdonald, MPH - Epidemiologist

Department of Children and Families Staff:
Lisa Rivera, MSW - Statewide Child Fatality Prevention Manager
Leslie Chytka, MSW - Sr. Management Analyst II/CIRRT Unit

CADR works to eliminate preventable child abuse & neglect deaths in Florida.